Sunday Eucharist
September 10 - May: 8:00 am & 10:30 am
June - August: 9:00 am
Midweek Liturgies
--- Join us in person ---
Wednesday 8:00 AM: Healing Eucharist
Friday 9:00 AM: Morning Prayer
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Activities Calendar

Land Acknowledgment
We remember and honor the indigenous people of this land, in particular the Nimiipuu nation who were the original stewards of this land. And they are our neighbors today, living, loving, and working in this region still. We give thanks for them and commit to living as good neighbors with them. May we always remember that the Earth does not belong to us, it belongs to God, and we are all relatives in this life, called to be stewards together of God's creation. Help us learn from past mistakes, and be instruments of justice and peace for all nations and tribes and people in the world. - The Rt. Rev. Gretchen Rehberg